It's a Puzzle
It is puzzling to me that one of my favorite (although not frequent) ways to entertain myself is by working puzzles...often while watching a sentimental movie I have memorized going in the background. I usually find time for it on holidays or when members of my family are visiting who share my fetish for the sport. I suppose I love it because I have such happy memories of working puzzles with my mother, sisters, and children... perhaps my love for spending time with them spilled over into the puzzle box. And most of my children love puzzles because my mother spent hours with them working puzzles nearly every time they were together. It is such a nice time to indulge in small talk and for sharing good laughs. I love to buy a new puzzle, but they are getting harder to find. I'm picky about my puzzles, you see. They have to have a lot of different things going on...none of this half the picture being blue water and the other half being blue sky nonsense. Not too small, not too big, not too ugly, not too "all the same," not too hard, not too easy. Hmmm, no wonder they are hard to find. My niece, Amy, recently bought me a wonderful was a picture of many kinds of could we improve upon that?
We have some funny memories of Eric hiding one puzzle piece in his room so he could put in the last piece, Grandma lifting her arm and having five pieces stuck to it, looking up and realizing it was indeed 2 a.m., and recently, having Mark find a piece in the garage that belonged in the puzzle we were working.
I've decided there are two kinds of puzzle workers. The first type works mostly by shape and color. These are usually the puzzlers who like to complete the outside edge first and work on little sections of the puzzle that eventually flow together.
Then there is the "big picture" puzzle worker who picks up a piece, examines the picture on the box, and finds the minuscule hole to drop it into.
I am a shape/color person. My husband is a big picture person. You know, we approach nearly everything in life from those perspectives. I work on life one ridiculous detail at a time...and he sees nearly everything from a more global perspective. That is why he is so good at planning solution strategies for large telecom companies, and I'm good at knowing which socks belong to whom.
We make a great team. That isn't much of a puzzle at all.
K, I love this post o' puz. It rocks. So clever, and SO true! I am not a fan of working puzzles because i'm not good at them...{I may be your only child that isn't}...but my life wouldn't be complete without them. I love puzzles because they mean really good memories!
Aw, i just thought of the red puzzle table @ grandmas...and it made me miss those kids. Good ol' Mitch & Marge.
We truly are clones! I'm a shape/color puzzler, too! Dang! I'd love to sit and work a puzzle with you right this minute! I miss you!
And I miss you back! Come puzzle!
Let's all have a big puzzle group hug! I am in LOVE with that red puzzle table because of all of the good memories on it and under it! Now I really wish I had the space and good puzzle to work!
What a great post! So true, so true. Even though I kinda hate puzzles.
That is so true! Maybe Ang and I should start doing puzzles together, but I'm not good at them either. But we could both use the silent jib jab girl time together and away from the craziness of life!
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