pretty peacefully.
Granny picked the
lilacs and
brought a little
spring cheer into
the house.
Gavin's down for his nap,
and she hears him
quietly talking. The quiet
talking suddenly turns
into a panicky scream,
so Granny investigates. here. {furthest
opening to the right}
Mommy comes
running, and
the two of them
try and try and try
to "unstick"
little leg, but to
no avail. No
amount of dismantling
the crib will change
the position of the slat
{or the leg.}
Daddy is called at work
and immediately
hops in car for home.
Granny and Mommy
decide to grease
up the leg.
Leg is free!
Crying/screaming stops!
Sawing of crib slat
not needed. Whew.
Daddy arrives.
Daddy gets hero's welcome.
He deserves it.